Horrors from Captivity, Pt. 2: Torture in Kilo 7 Prison

New Victims in Kilo 7 Prison of Camaguey
Report by Caridad Caballero Batista

A prisoner was found hung in his jail cell after having been tortured and beaten by the repressive forces of the dictatorship, according to the dissident prisoner Jorge Alberto Linares, member of the Orlando Zapata Tamayo National Resistance Front.  He confirmed his reports through the witness- Maria Ventia, a nurse- who found the victim, Alain Acosta Román, in the morning.  He was 24 years old and had large and visible bruises and lacerations on his face and other parts of his body after having suffered a brutal beating on December 14th, in addition to other countless physical tortures.  The chief of the Order of the Interior and his brother, Officer Daniel Cala, directly participated in the tortures.  The prisoner was brutally beaten and suffered serious injuries in Kilo 7 Prison during the 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th of December for demanding his prisoner rights.

From Kilo 7, Jorge Alberto Linares denounces various other cases of cruel and inhumane treatment, including other tortures:

  1. Osvaldo Chacon Leyva, 30 years of age, suffered lacerations all throughout his body, as well as serious injuries on his face, with a possible loss of his left eye.  He lacks medical attention.
  2. Arlay Díaz Pereira,  31 years old, suffered a fracture on his head, was gravely injured and has other fractures.  He remains in a punishment cell and is being tortured, and officials are refusing to give him medical attention.  He was beaten by sub-official Cala and his brother Daniel this past 13th of December.
  3. Alberto Volora Peña, 33 years old.  Received beating- one on the afternoon of December 14th and the other on the night of the 15th.  His current state is unknown, for he is a punishment cell.  Also beat under the orders of the Cala brothers.
  4. Also beat was 24 year old Víctor Barreiro. He received the first beting on the morning of December 15th, and the second on the 16th.  He suffered craneal trauma and disfiguration of his face, and he is under the threat of losing his life.  Right now he is in-communicated in a punishment cell with no medical assistance.  His state of health is unknown.

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