Other relatives of Oswaldo Paya receive death threats

Josefina Paya, photo taken from “oswaldopaya.org”

Exactly 7 months after the death of Oswaldo Paya and Harold Cepero this 22nd of February 2013, Josefina Paya, aunt of Oswaldo, received a death threat via telephone, according to a publication made by members of the Christian Liberation Movement on their website.

After managing to travel outside of Cuba, Rosa Maria Paya, who has done an excellent job denouncing the repressive situation against the Cuban opposition in Geneva and in Spain this week, denounced on her Twitter account (@RosaMariaPaya):

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Text: “Bitch, we’ll kill you”, threatening phone call from State Security.  They called my house, my mother was at the airport saying goodbye to my brother” 

Rosa Maria later detailed in her account that these same death threats were the same ones here father would frequently receive and assures that is the work of Cuban State Security.  The young activist directly held the Cuban regime responsible for the physical integrity of all her family.

The Paya family has not stopped, for one moment, in demanding an independent and international investigation of the events which lead to the death of Oswaldo and Harold, denying the version of the dictatorship, which alleges that it was simply “an automobile accident”.

In addition, Rosa Maria asked for more solidarity for the investigation in Geneva during a Human Rights conference.

This blog also support the petition launched by the Paya family for an indpendent investigation. ¡Sign here

For the original source of this news visit the web page: Oswaldopaya.org

And more info from Rosa Maria Paya on Twitter: @RosaMariaPaya 



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